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  • Visit From Jacob Sam-La Rose

    Visit From Jacob Sam-La Rose

Article Date: 19 October 2020

Article Date: 19 October 2020

Braintree Sixth Form welcomed poet Jacob Sam-La Rose, virtually, on Friday 16 October 2020.

Unable to complete his annual visit in person, Jacob Sam-La Rose connected virtually during students’lesson time to discuss ‘Breaking Silence’, his own collection of poetry, which Years 12 and 13 students are currently studying in English Language and Literature as a part of their curriculum.

He read and analysed his own poems to benefit and aid students to fully be able to grasp his work, as he took questions, thoughts, and even criticism, as students made the most of the time they had with the poet.

It proved to be a very insightful and helpful experience for the English Languageand Literaturestudents, as theycontinue theirpartnership with the poet.

Braintree Sixth Form look forward to welcoming him back once again to provide our students with vital inside knowledge and analysis for their studies.

Luke Deane
Year 13 student

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