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  • Subject Ambassadors

    Subject Ambassadors

All students are given the opportunity to apply for the position of a subject ambassador. The role of subject ambassador involves the students: 

  • tutoring the subject to Year 11 students
  • talking about studying the subject to prospective students and parents
  • working alongside the teaching staff to implement any other initiatives

Below are some quotes from our current Year 13 subject ambassadors.

I am the Health and Social Care subject ambassador. I promote the subject during open days, speak to parents and students about the subject and offer support to younger students who take Health and Social Care. What I enjoy the most is being able to inspire others into learning how to help members of our society.  

I am the OCR Business ambassador. Within my role I promote business during open days, speak to parents and students about the subject and tutor pupils who take business in their studies. What I enjoy the most is being a role model for younger pupils who want to go into the business industry. 

As subject ambassador for Geography, once a week I help tutor a Yr11 to help them reach the highest grade possible for them. I am there for support and provide help and resources when needed. I really enjoy helping out on open days and telling future potential geography students about the subject and routes they can take using the knowledge they gain.

Being a Psychology ambassador, I get the privilege to inspire prospective students to study this amazing subject. As part of my role, I have spoken to many parents and students - not only about Psychology but about how good this Sixth Form really is. Now applying to university to do Sport Psychology, I can include and talk about how beneficial this role has been for my future course. Having done speeches and presentations, my skills have been enhanced, which will aid my performance in my further studies.

I am the subject ambassador for Media Studies. My role includes me tutoring younger students in the subject and representing the subject at various school events. I enjoy being able to help younger years progress whilst also developing my own knowledge.

I am the subject ambassador for BTEC Sport. My role is to attend events and speak on behalf of the current students who take the subject, as well as advising future students about the subject using my knowledge about it. I enjoy being able to communicate to members of the public and current students and giving advice about the benefits of taking the subject.

I am the subject ambassador for Sociology. I go to all the events to help represent Sociology from a student point of view which I would have found helpful when I was making my choice of subjects. The main part about my role is that I’m always open to answer as many questions as possible that parents or future students have about the course to my best ability. I really enjoy my role because I love helping people make the right choice and make sure I give them the biggest idea on what Sociology is about!

As a Biology student ambassador, I have been able to speak to prospective students, give insight to how the subject works and give genuine advice to help give them the best chance to succeed. I have spoken to parents at open evenings and helped demonstrate practical experiments and further display some of the work we do in the subject. In all Biology classrooms, I have helped with displays which will help all future students studying Biology. This has all helped with my university application because it helped me re-discover why I loved this subject in the first place, as well as improving my teamwork and communication skills.