The light and spacious sixth form library offers students a wonderful working environment where a wide range of resources are available to support their learning. Students have access to subject specific further reading – including a wide range of recently purchased Academic Reading books, online materials and journals. The careers section provides information on Further and Higher Education (including a huge range of university prospectuses), employment, occupations, gap year and voluntary work. The library also has a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books that students can take out on loan including some of the latest trending titles. The library staff are happy to take requests for specific books to enable the students to enjoy reading for pleasure in addition to their academic studies.
The library has networked computers which students are able to use for research, essay writing, project work and access to the library catalogue. The computerised catalogue system holds records of all the resources available in the sixth form library and also in the school library. The catalogue can be accessed from any networked computer in the sixth form and also remotely from home. Staff in the library are available to help and guide students in their studies. Students can choose to work in the individual booths for silent study or in the open plan working spaces for a more collaborative experience. We are lucky enough to have a printer in the library to make projects easier to compile.