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  • Community Life

    Community Life

Students at Braintree Sixth Form have a number of opportunities to contribute to the life of the community, both within the sixth form and beyond. These include:

  • Prefect Team
  • Subject Ambassadors
  • Mental Health Ambassadors
  • Student Mentors
  • Charities
  • Enrichment
  • Sport teams
  • Alumni

We have an active Sixth Form prefect team who meet weekly and a Subject Ambassador team, who represent the sixth form at events throughout the year.  We also have a number of students who have received training to support as Mental Health Ambassadors to be able to offer peer support, and other students who have become academic mentors supporting students in lower years. There are regular events which take place throughout the year within the Sixth Form to support charities or to bring our sixth form community closer together.  

A big part of what makes our Sixth Form such a great place to a part of is not just the range of subjects available and the good outcomes, but the sense of community and belonging we get from the social life, the common room and all of the different opportunities we are encouraged to be a part of”.

Year 13 Student, 2022