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Student Support

Student Support

Pastoral Support 

The sixth form aims to provide each individual student with appropriate support and guidance so that they get the most from their time in the sixth form and progress successfully on to fulfilling careers or further study. Tutors are kept informed about the performance of their tutees across their subjects, as well as being aware of their achievements outside the classroom. Systems of assessment and tracking are used to ensure that students receive regular feedback on their progress in each subject and targets for development. Regular individual tutorial meetings and Personal Development sessions ensure that every student is in regular contact with their tutor with whom progress will be discussed and to whom the tutee can readily turn for help or advice.


In addition to the tutor team, pastoral support is provided by the Head and Deputy Head of Sixth Form and a Student Support Officer whose roles are to provide additional advice and support on both academic and pastoral issues. Where students are experiencing particular difficulties the sixth form can arrange for mentoring or, if appropriate, counselling with our in-school Counsellor.

Students with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)

The sixth form has a SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) and SEND support is available. The sixth form is strongly committed to both inclusion and equal opportunities and will always look at what reasonable adjustments can be made in order to facilitate access for students with special needs. It is recommended that applicants discuss any potential SEND needs with the Student Support Officer at an early stage, so that there is time to plan appropriate strategies and make any necessary arrangements before students start courses. Special examination arrangements can be put in place as necessary.


Students will see their tutor every morning and the tutor will deliver the personal development programme (see more details under Personal Development). The tutor will also meet with every student at least once a half term on a one to one basis to discuss their academic progress. Regular reporting by subject staff enables the tutors to be fully informed about the performance of their tutees across their subjects as well as being aware of their achievements outside the classroom, and supports them in discussing tutees’ progress and plans with them.

University and Careers information 

The sixth form curriculum introduces students to careers choices, information about further study and university applications. Appointments are available for all students with our independent careers adviser. Students will undertake a week’s compulsory work experience in July of Year 12 and are encouraged to arrange other work experience as appropriate for Enrichment. Students are also expected to make use of the careers books and software available in the sixth form.

Very many students progress from the sixth form to university. The sixth form builds university awareness into its individual programmes of study so that each subject draws out and explains progression routes. The cycle of assemblies and extra-curricular events includes visiting speakers from both higher education and employment, and all students are offered support with preparation for interviews. There is an individualised programme of support for students applying to competitive universities and courses, such as Medicine. Students and parents have the opportunity to attend presentations at relevant points in the year explaining the university application process and student finance.

We also offer a programme of presentations and support sessions about applying to apprenticeship, degree apprenticeships and employment.

For further information about student support, please contact Ms Dunton at catherine.dunto