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  • Student Voice

    Student Voice

Student voice at Braintree Sixth Form is important and it is actively encouraged through the student council, the prefect team, and our subject ambassadors. We welcome all student feedback and encourage students to come and speak to a member of the sixth form team at any time. From a recent questionnaire below are just some of the comments made from our current year 12 and 13 students in response to the following question:

What makes you proud about your Sixth Form?

It is small and has a community feel.
How easy it is to get help.
That it is a welcoming community.
The representation and diversity.
The standard of lessons.
The teachers.
We have a good reputation.
The independence we are given.
It has nice facilities and a good atmosphere.
Good efficient learning, smaller classrooms and provides good resources.
It is a nice environment.
The students are all friendly and everyone gets along.
It is small and has a community feel.