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  • Year 13 Mock Interview Day

    Year 13 Mock Interview Day

Article Date: 29 January 2020

Article Date: 29 January 2020

Learning how to present and market yourself to prospective universities and employers is part of the programme of personal development for sixth form students.

As part of this, a day of mock interviews for every student who had not already had a mock interview was held on Tuesday 28 January 2020. The aim was to help students prepare for what can be a stressful and high-stakes situation. We were supported by a team of interviewers including managers from Kier Construction, a communications and PR expert, finance administrators and officers, senior teaching staff, an HR manager, a university lecturer and a QC. Students were all given verbal feedback on the strengths of their interview and their areas for development in the future, and it was pleasing to hear from students about how valuable the experience was. We received many compliments from interviewers on the professionalism and enthusiasm of the students they encountered. Thank you to all those who volunteered their time to support the day.

Mrs M Townsend

Assistant Headteacher – KS5

Click here to see the photo gallery for this event

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