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  • Year 13 Final Assembly

    Year 13 Final Assembly

Article Date: 21 March 2017

Article Date: 21 March 2017

On Tuesday 21 March 2017,  the Year 13 final assembly took place. This was an opportunity to celebrate success and achievements over the last two years. 

Scarlett Perrin and Greg Mansfield, our Student Governors, spoke to the year group and Ben Turley also performed one of his own pieces of music. Mrs Brewis-Shephard issued rewards that included the attendance award, the Year Leader award and Subject Achievement awards. We also had certificates for some of our funnier memories and moments over the last two years, which were well received. This was the final chance to wish Year 13 well as a year group before exam season commences after the Easter break and also a chance to thank tutors and students for their hard work over what has been a busy two years.

A huge thank you to Mrs Brewis-Shephard for her leadership of this year group; it has been appreciated by students, parents/carers, as well as the Year 13 tutor team.

Please click here for a gallery of photos taken by Mrs Watson.

Mrs H Sutton
Assistant Headteacher – KS5
Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form



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