Article Date: 20 November 2013
Article Date: 20 November 2013
On Wednesday 13 November, Year 12 took part in a Roadster event, led by Essex Highways.
The focus of the day was road safety and awareness. Students participated in six different workshops run by Essex Police, Fire Service, Road Safety Officers and local driving schools. All students also had the chance to take to the roads themselves, driving dual controlled cars around the tennis courts! Before getting behind the wheel students were able to test their reaction speeds and explore their road safety knowledge. At the end of the day, all students received a free copy of the Highway Code to assist them on their journey to becoming safe drivers. The students really enjoyed the day and learnt a great deal, as highlighted in this selection of comments from their evaluations:
‘Really brought home the fact that wearing a seatbelt can affect everyone in the car.’
‘A car is not a toy. It is a big responsibility.’
‘Using your mobile phone takes 80% of your concentration – so don’t use it when driving.’
‘I learnt how to get into first gear without stalling!’
‘All workshops were very informative and interesting – a well-organised day.’