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  • Sociology Conference

    Sociology Conference

Article Date: 30 March 2017

Article Date: 30 March 2017

On Tuesday 28 March 2017, the Year 12 sociology students were invited to the Mercury Theatre for a sociology conference organised by Colchester Sixth Form College.  

The conference started with a brief welcome and introduction from Ian McNaughton, the principal of the sixth form. Current Year 13 students then gave everybody their advice on how to survive AS exams and revision tips. Although this was slightly scary for the students, it did reassure them that everybody is going through the same experience and provided ways to manage the demands of their studies.

Dr Alpesh Maisuria gave a speech on Marxism and the role of education. This was a recap of material covered on the course this year from a very inspiring voice.  After a break, the students were led through how to answer the research methods section of the exam paper and were provided with a pack full of resources and ideas of how to consolidate their learning. The day was ended with two AQA examiners from the sixth form discussingtopics covered in the A Level course, with interactive quizzes and more ideas for revision. Overall, students found this a great day, refreshing their knowledge and giving them suggested ways to revise such a theory heavy subject.

Mrs S Woodward
Head of Faculty – Social Sciences

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