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  • Sociology and Law Trip

    Sociology and Law Trip

Article Date: 09 May 2023

Article Date: 09 May 2023

On Wednesday 3rd May, Year 12 Sociology & Law students had a crime packed day! Starting at the Royal Courts of Justice, students were given a guided tour by a seasoned courtroom journalist who gave students insight into the careers within the legal profession. Students were able to see different types of Barrister and Judge’s robes as well as the original transcript from Guy Fawkes’ trial.

As we walked through the Royal Courts, students also had the opportunity to sit in the gallery of a number of appeals cases. These included appeals of sentencing based on mental health pleas, in which students saw a panel of three judges pass verdicts on cases which were presented by Barristers.

The tour then continued through the Lincoln Legal Quarter, allowing the students to see the grandeur of the historical training site of Barristers, including the beautiful square gardens in the centre.

Students were of course looking forward to the final part of the day- a visit to sit in the gallery of The Old Bailey Courtrooms. On the day, students had eight murder trials to choose from and spread themselves throughout several galleries. They were able to see forensic pathologists be examined by prosecutors regarding post-mortems, eyewitness testimonies, victim impact statements being given by family members and defendants making their case on the stand.

Most of all though, students were inspired by the ferocity of Judges, the diligence of hardworking Barristers and the general imposing atmosphere and procedures within the courtroom.

We look forward to facilitating more trips to give students this real-world experience in Social Sciences. Keep your eyes peeled for more upcoming exciting trips!

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