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  • Online Enrolment

    Online Enrolment

Article Date: 20 July 2020

Article Date: 20 July 2020

The online enrolment for Braintree Sixth Form has now closed. If you have any enquiries about places for September 2020 in the sixth form, please contact our administrator Mrs Turner by emailing

If you formerly attended Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form, you do not need to upload your results with the form. However, if you were educated elsewhere, please upload a photograph of your results with this form.

Your completed enrolment form will be checked along with your results. You will then either receive a confirmation of enrolment or we will contact you to arrange to discuss your application further if there are any issues with meeting subject offer requirements or with your subject choices. Any student who did not meet their conditions of offer, or who wishes to change subjects or who has additional needs will need to enrol via a discussion with one of the sixth form team. If you attended Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form you will be able to arrange this when you collect your results on 20 August. If you did not attend Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form, please contact and she will confirm a time either on the afternoon of 20 August or on 21 August where possible.

There is a range of additional information which we will require at the start of term. Please complete the forms here which you will either need to print and bring with you on your first day, or complete on your arrival at Braintree Sixth Form. You will also find details of the arrangements for the first day and the start of term, along with the student handbook, a video presentation and PowerPoint presentation.

We look forward to meeting you on 3 September.

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