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  • New Holland Tractor Plant Visit

    New Holland Tractor Plant Visit

Article Date: 09 February 2018

Article Date: 09 February 2018

On Wednesday 7 February 2018 a group of 36 Business and Economics A Level students visited the New Holland Tractor Plant in Basildon.

They witnessed World Class Manufacturing, which includes clean production methods used there to make this one of the highest performing production centres in the country – one that is highly concerned with sustainability. New Holland have been confirmed as the Clean Energy Leader – at the forefront of the introduction of Tier 4A emissions technology. They are an environmentally friendly firm, where their ‘built to order’ tractors use bio mass as a new energy source, and their carbon impact is zero. The trip had been arranged to enable the students to see a production plant in full operation and to ‘bring to life’ aspects of their courses.

Students were split into three groups and after an introductory presentation, where they learnt about the history of the company and other interesting economic facts, they were taken on a tour, where every aspect of production was observed and explained. The students asked many questions which helped deepen their understanding further. After this the group were given a free buffet lunch, followed by the opportunity to visit the company showrooms, where some of the tractors produced were available to see and sit in. There was also a simulator where students were able to see if they had the necessary skills to use a tractor in the field. Students thoroughly enjoyed what they saw and conducted themselves well throughout the day, gaining positive comments from our guides. Students left with a much greater understanding of the issues surrounding manufacturing and a pack, containing company information, plus a free baseball cap – a perfect end to the day!

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