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  • Mock Election 2019

    Mock Election 2019

Article Date: 12 December 2019

Article Date: 12 December 2019

Students from Years 7 to 13 took part in Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form’s Mock Election Day on Thursday 12 December 2019.

In the 2017 election, more than 71% of over 65s voted, compared to only 54% of 18-24 year olds. To encourage students to take an interest in politics and engage in voting, it was decided to hold an authentic mock election to give students a taste of what happens in the run up to an election and on election day. Before the election, students had to register to vote, just as they will have to do when they are eligible to join the Electoral Register at 16. Students were then issued with a polling card which contained details of where and when they could vote on election day. When they arrived at the polling station, students were registered by KS5 Politics students who gave them a ballot paper. After voting in authentic polling booths, students placed their ballot papers in real ballot boxes and received a sticker to show they had voted.

The results were counted by KS5 Politics and History students and we can reveal the full results below:

  • Conservative – 42%
  • Labour – 27%
  • Liberal Democrats – 23%
  • Independent candidates – 6%
  • Spoilt ballot papers – 2%

Well done to all students who took the time out of break and lunch to vote today. Thank you to KS5 Politics students who ran the polling station so efficiently.

Click here to see a gallery of photos from this event. 

Mrs C Wager
Assistant Headteacher – KS4

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