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  • Gang Culture Warning Signs

    Gang Culture Warning Signs

Article Date: 06 June 2017

Article Date: 06 June 2017

On Tuesday 6th June, a small, but interested and engaged, audience listened to Gavin McKenna talking about the warning signs of your child getting mixed up in gang culture, and how to act.

The session covered the increasing role of social media for gang recruitment and the behavioural patterns to look out for. There were frank and honest discussions about the root reasons why children and teenagers get involved in gangs.

Perhaps the biggest eye opener of the session were the Essex crime statistics for March 2017, which blew away the myth that gangs are a London thing and it couldn’t happen here. It is happening here. 

We are very grateful to Braintree District Council for funding this session for the parents of the children in the Notley Family of Schools community. Gavin McKenna runs an organisation called Reach Every Generation and his contact details are at the end of the PowerPoint presentation that he used, which is available below to download. 

Mrs R Kelly
Deputy Headteacher


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