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  • Face Coverings: Policy from 5 October 2020

    Face Coverings: Policy from 5 October 2020

Article Date: 28 September 2020

Article Date: 28 September 2020

We have decided in response to Government guidance, parent/carer feedback, and the current local and national context, to adopt a stronger position with regards to face coverings: All students and staff will be expected to wear face coverings in corridors and communal indoor areas, unless there is a specific medical reason or disability.

Please inform the school if your child is not able to wear a face covering. They will be issued with a ‘permission card’ if staff ask them why a face covering is not being worn.

Face coverings are also advised in outdoor areas if social distancing expectations cannot be followed.

This expectation will start on Monday 5 October 2020.

Wearing a mask is an additional precaution, not a replacement for social distancing or behaving responsibly. The guidance for wearing face coverings in classrooms will not change.

Note: We will not recommend the wearing of face coverings in classrooms, as the guidance advises against this and we feel it may hinder effective teaching. However, we also recognise that there is scope for personal choice so if teachers wish to wear PPE, they are entitled to do so. Students may wear a face covering if they choose as it may offer reassurance and a feeling of security for some.

All visitors to the school will also be expected to wear face coverings and follow social distancing guidelines.

Dr C Cusick
Head of School


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