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  • Essex Roadster Day 2019

    Essex Roadster Day 2019

Article Date: 05 February 2019

Article Date: 05 February 2019

Braintree Sixth Form hosted its annual Essex Roadster event on Friday 1 February 2019.  The event is run in conjunction with Essex County Council and local driving school providers.  The aim of the event is to heighten the awareness of road safety initiatives to our Year 12 students.

We also aim to introduce the students to road side first aid response strategies and also to legal constraints linked to driving and road safety.  The students also had an opportunity to put their training into practice when they were able to get behind the wheel and undertake some actual driving.  For many, this was their first experience of driving.

Despite the snowy conditions, all of the student took advantage of the opportunity to drive and seemed to enjoy the experience.  The workshops gave valuable and thought provoking information for the students to  grapple with.  The students enjoyed the event and gained much from it which hopefully will help them to stay safe on the roads in the coming years.

We would like to thank Essex County Council Road Safety Team and their partners for putting on such an informative event despite the best efforts of the British winter weather to wreck the experience.

To see a gallery of photos from the day, click here.

Mr R Miller

Assistant Headteacher – KS5

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