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  • Bethlem Museum

    Bethlem Museum

Article Date: 06 March 2019

Article Date: 06 March 2019

On Tuesday 26 February 2019, 40 A Level Psychology students took the opportunity to visit Bethlem Museum of the Mind. The museum offered a glance of the longest-running mental health institution in the world. While at one time it was known as Bedlam, a repository of the mentally ill of London, Bethlem Royal Hospital is a world leader in the treatment of both minor and severe mental disorders.

The museum exhibitions themselves contain a number of illuminating historical artifacts; the original statues of Melancholy and Raving Madness that marked the entrance of Bedlam Asylum, strait jackets, restraints, antiquated electroconvulsive therapy machines and a collection of “outsider art” – pieces created by mentally ill patients.

From the experience, the students left with a sense of appreciation of the practical medical applications of Psychology. It gave a sense of continuity to mental health care, and also provided an insight into what modern mental health care in the UK is like.


Mr V Kenny

Teacher - Psychology


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