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  • 31 Miles in 31 Days for HARP

    31 Miles in 31 Days for HARP

Article Date: 05 January 2022

Article Date: 05 January 2022

Eloise White, one of the Deputy Head Prefects at Braintree Sixth Form, is taking part in the 31 Miles in 31 Days Challenge for Southend’s Homeless Charity HARP this January.

Eloise describes her reasons:

"I have chosen to help combat homelessness as I believe nobody should have nowhere to call home. Over Christmas I was in London with my family and realised how lucky I am to be able to have a house to return to at the end of the day and be protected. There were many homeless people, one of whom we spoke to who described the struggle they cope with every day. With covid and the winter months, it is becoming harder for homeless people to get adequate help. Homelessness is a growing concern and therefore I would like to help out in any way I can, even if it makes a difference to one person. That's why I've decided to run 31 miles in 31 days to raise money to help those who are struggling and prevent more people from becoming homeless. This can include running, walking and cycling. I hope to run over the 31 miles in the next few weeks and get others involved and encourage them to do the same!"

We wish Eloise success in this. If you would like to get involved too, speak to Eloise or email Ms Dunton.

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